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Tolkien book covers


The covers of the first edition that I read. :D Using them to make ebooks.

nonbeard 2010-08-28 15:13:19

Infusion Profusion: Game-Changing Fast ‘N Cheap Technique


You can infuse flavors into liquor (and water based things, too) almost instantly with nothing more than an iSi Cream Whipper . You can use seeds, herbs, spiced, fruits, cocoa nibs, etc. Here’s how (hn)

nonbeard 2010-08-28 02:40:50

Color Picker



nonbeard 2010-08-26 02:14:44

Wine Education Topic: Sulfur Dioxide in Wine


SO2 has been used in winemaking since Roman times. Some guy on Reddit reckons you can remove the taste of sulphites from wine by adding a very small amount (a few ml per l) of hydrogen peroxide!

nonbeard 2010-08-25 15:37:34

Steffen Mueller at blogs.perl.org: Tiny vim convenience hack


Autodetect indentation

nonbeard 2010-08-25 02:15:34

Users are still idiots, cough up personal data despite warnings

nonbeard 2010-08-25 01:58:58

Noteblender.hu - Music and sound design


Homepage of slyspy, the musician behind "Wir Sind Einstein" and "Computer Candy Overload". Turns out he's written a lot of game music.

nonbeard 2010-08-24 01:43:32

Optimizing Your Wife


Marriage sort, selecting the best (or near best) option from a set when you can only consider each item once

nonbeard 2010-08-20 10:51:11

MCLIDE - Lisp IDE for Macintosh


Excuse not to learn SLIME

nonbeard 2010-08-20 03:24:28

Silphium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Silphium, a giant fennel-like plant which was a potent spice and popular cure-all medicine (as well as possible abortifacient), was harvested to extinction around the 1st century.

nonbeard 2010-08-19 01:13:18

Quick celeriac remoulade recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food


Clarifying (and delicious) picture of the classic remoulade.

nonbeard 2010-08-18 19:30:34

Remoulade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Waitrose celeriac label said that it was "ideal grated in salads, such as the classic Remoulade". Behold the classic remoulade. It's not a salad.

nonbeard 2010-08-18 19:25:40

Iñigo Quilez - strawberry :: fractals, computer graphics, mathematics, demoscene and more

nonbeard 2010-08-17 11:15:19

AKAI Professional LPK25 Laptop Performance Keyboard - Apple Store (U.K.)


via hn

nonbeard 2010-08-16 15:42:01

Games By Scott - Home of Bowling Blast and other HWF Games!


Leet. See eg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4kcZBwglp4

nonbeard 2010-08-14 13:41:55

Sparse Virtual Textures


Reverse engineering of Carmack's "megatextures". Via HN discussion http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1599440

nonbeard 2010-08-13 19:35:52

android-apktool - Project Hosting on Google Code

nonbeard 2010-08-12 10:54:01

Guide: Multiboot Windows 7, Leopard, Ubuntu on GPT disk - InsanelyMac Forum


Good times.

nonbeard 2010-08-12 01:21:14

Bissell, Braid, and the Use of Words


Expect frequent references to light and dark, cold and loneliness, broken hearts and shattered dreams. Memories may get a look in. Also death. It’s like reading a collage of manuscripts sent to a high school poetry contest right after one of the students got in a fatal crash. emshort

nonbeard 2010-08-11 13:04:47

Akiyo Noguchi, 21-year old global bouldering champ

nonbeard 2010-08-09 18:55:16

Gamers beat algorithms at finding protein structures


Humans beat algorithms by finding better protein folds after being taught the rules. Coolest thing ever.

nonbeard 2010-08-04 17:48:50

The never-ending finite loop


I was naïvely not expecting a post with this title to include the text "subject to our current understanding of physics and the assumption that the process responsible for baryogenesis can be reversed to cause proton decay". Very well-justified effectively-infinite, but finite, loop.

nonbeard 2010-08-02 19:28:27

Lest We Forget on Flickr - Photo Sharing!


Crispy hexagons

nonbeard 2010-08-01 02:12:02

Pilgrimage on Shikoku Island


Awesome 2-month, 88-temple hike (via Bryn)

nonbeard 2010-07-30 16:23:06

London Hackspace


leet. Bit out of the way though.

nonbeard 2010-07-29 13:15:33

MyType Blog » Blog Archive » iPad Personality Clash: Elites vs. Geeks


"Bashing the iPad is, in a way, an identity statement for independent geeks". Haha! Trololololol.... (HN)

nonbeard 2010-07-26 20:34:39

Canvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5


Fantastic! (HN)

nonbeard 2010-07-25 22:02:28

Developing and Deploying a Simple Clojure Web Application


Via HN. Seemed to make sense on quick browse.

nonbeard 2010-07-24 16:03:54

The Chipophone


Awesome! Plus he plays many great tunes on it. (via liedra)

nonbeard 2010-07-23 11:13:03

All My Sons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Saw this at Apollo London with Robyn. Very very good.

nonbeard 2010-07-21 22:10:56

Implicature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


That suggested but not necessarily entailed by that utterance. "Where can I get ice cream?" "That shop sells ice cream" implies that ice cream can be bought from the shop right now (i.e. it's open, ice cream is in stock etc).

nonbeard 2010-07-21 21:06:11

Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Via Bryn

nonbeard 2010-07-19 23:30:41

4 Humours on the Behance Network


beautiful take on Hippocrates

nonbeard 2010-07-19 01:38:03

Cool Components - Olimex, Arduino, Sparkfun, GPS, Bluetooth, PIC MCUs, ARM MCUs, programmers, debuggers and much more.


Relatively cheap PIC and AVR microcontrollers, boards, and other bits. UK based.

nonbeard 2010-07-18 00:45:55

Australian Times - News for Aussies Living in the UK


How to vote in the .au election from .uk. Via liedra

nonbeard 2010-07-17 20:40:12

Super Mario Bros. Re-Stik movable wall decals by Blik, Officially Licensed from Nintendo


Chuck reckons I need these, and he is correct.

nonbeard 2010-07-17 19:53:45

YouTube - 405nm laser to face − test0 (zombie)


I am only pinboarding this for the awesome factor of pinboarding something titled "405nm laser to face".

nonbeard 2010-07-16 23:34:49

Feynman Algorithm


1. Write down the problem. 2. Think real hard. 3. Write down the solution. (via hacker news)

nonbeard 2010-07-16 13:10:22

Quornstruction: The house made of meat


It's a house (concept) made out of vat-grown meat! Awesome. Really really want.

nonbeard 2010-07-13 15:17:41

article (As above, so below)

nonbeard 2010-07-13 02:10:58



This is so cool -- right shoulder button is fast forward, and left shoulder button is rewind! You can rewind your gameplay, Dagger of Time-style. :D

nonbeard 2010-07-10 16:30:31

'Pataphysics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

nonbeard 2010-07-10 01:55:43

Robins can literally see magnetic fields, but only if their vision is sharp | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine


Awesome! HN

2010-07-09 10:14:19

Potato and Pea Curry — The No Bull Vegan


Looks good esp. since there is no way to cheat in the UK (with pre-made Tasty Bite curries)

nonbeard 2010-07-07 16:49:14

briancarper.net (λ) - Advertising is devastating to my well-being


Interesting point: books are one of the few information-distribution media which don't have ads.

nonbeard 2010-07-07 10:13:26

Arterotismo/Felicien Rops


Saw a museum for this artist in Belgium with Catie.

nonbeard 2010-07-06 23:09:15

Welcome // Werkzeug


Contender for best of breed Python Web framework.

nonbeard 2010-07-06 13:20:31

Vigilant Citizens: Then vs. Now


"If you think your neighbor has "radical" views -- that is none of your or the F.B.I.'s business." wow.

nonbeard 2010-07-02 00:25:43

University of Reddit


Here's fun!

nonbeard 2010-07-01 22:28:24

TweetStation: Elevating the Discourse - Miguel de Icaza


"[Elevating the discourse] is achieved with two features. The first feature plays back chicken noises whenever you request more Tweets..." I'm starting to really like Miguel de Icaza.

nonbeard 2010-07-01 16:05:41
📜 Boyfriend of Zelda