MyType Blog » Blog Archive » iPad Personality Clash: Elites vs. Geeks"Bashing the iPad is, in a way, an identity statement for independent geeks". Haha! Trololololol.... (HN)
Canvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5! (HN)
Developing and Deploying a Simple Clojure Web Application HN. Seemed to make sense on quick browse.
The Chipophone! Plus he plays many great tunes on it. (via liedra)
All My Sons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia this at Apollo London with Robyn. Very very good.
Implicature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia suggested but not necessarily entailed by that utterance. "Where can I get ice cream?" "That shop sells ice cream" implies that ice cream can be bought from the shop right now (i.e. it's open, ice cream is in stock etc).
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Bryn
4 Humours on the Behance Network take on Hippocrates
Cool Components - Olimex, Arduino, Sparkfun, GPS, Bluetooth, PIC MCUs, ARM MCUs, programmers, debuggers and much more. cheap PIC and AVR microcontrollers, boards, and other bits. UK based.
Australian Times - News for Aussies Living in the UK to vote in the .au election from .uk. Via liedra
Super Mario Bros. Re-Stik movable wall decals by Blik, Officially Licensed from Nintendo reckons I need these, and he is correct.
YouTube - 405nm laser to face − test0 (zombie) am only pinboarding this for the awesome factor of pinboarding something titled "405nm laser to face".
Feynman Algorithm Write down the problem. 2. Think real hard. 3. Write down the solution. (via hacker news)
Quornstruction: The house made of meat's a house (concept) made out of vat-grown meat! Awesome. Really really want.
article (As above, so below) 2010-07-13 02:10:58
NES DS - PHWiki is so cool -- right shoulder button is fast forward, and left shoulder button is rewind! You can rewind your gameplay, Dagger of Time-style. :D
'Pataphysics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'Pataphysicsnonbeard 2010-07-10 01:55:43
Robins can literally see magnetic fields, but only if their vision is sharp | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine! HN
Potato and Pea Curry — The No Bull Vegan good esp. since there is no way to cheat in the UK (with pre-made Tasty Bite curries) (λ) - Advertising is devastating to my well-being point: books are one of the few information-distribution media which don't have ads.
Arterotismo/Felicien Rops a museum for this artist in Belgium with Catie.
Welcome // Werkzeug for best of breed Python Web framework.
Vigilant Citizens: Then vs. Now"If you think your neighbor has "radical" views -- that is none of your or the F.B.I.'s business." wow.
TweetStation: Elevating the Discourse - Miguel de Icaza"[Elevating the discourse] is achieved with two features. The first feature plays back chicken noises whenever you request more Tweets..." I'm starting to really like Miguel de Icaza.
BitC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, abandoned in 2009, lives again.
Cross Bones Graveyard found this graveyard while wandering near Borough.
Clojure on"Screencasts, talks and tutorials on the Clojure programming language"
Mailinator(tm) Blog: On Java Visibility "visibility" as it applies to JIT compilation. This seems like an obvious example of where using a JIT provides more opportunities for optimisation -- but at the expense of rather severe and unintuitive programming restrictions (at the Java level, makes perfect sense at the hardware level) and in the presence of multiple threads... so, hmm, maybe not a clear JIT win...
CSS IS AWESOME COFFEE MUG from want this mug.
Ned Batchelder: Mandelbox of a 3d fractal. Awesome!
Bill Gates - Playboy Interview - Microsoft Founder inspiring and personal interview. (hacker news)
Competition is overrated – chris dixon's blog"Your #1 competitor starting out will always be the BACK button" -- article on startups
Google Code: jQuery Outages and a Fix | Sean Walther’s Blog argument for using Google to host jquery is that it's more reliable and faster than hosting it yourself. The argument against is that you inadvertently share some of your site's user data with Google. Now it seems as if the first half of the "for" argument isn't so convincing. (As an aside, I don't think browsers have been limited to two simultaneous requests for at least five years.)
TI makes a big bid for the hobby market - Hack a Day shit, $4.30 for a development board.
Quickies for gdb, quickies for GDB with Cocoa apps.
This Mac devotee is moving to Linux - Dan Gillmor - terrible article. The guy states in para one that "my strategy is to use what works best, period", and then in para 3 explains that he is switching to Linux for political (not practical) reasons: "I value some principles, perhaps almost religiously". Worse: the principle is walled gardens -- which Apple is doing with iOS, but not OS X, so his decision isn't supported by any evidence. Then he buys a new laptop to run Linux, but is unable to run Linux on it because the hardware is unsupported. He then reports, entirely without irony, that is is making do in the meantime by running Linux in a VM ... on his MacBook Pro.
Vacation rentals, private rooms, sublets by the night - Accommodations on Airbnb of like classy couch surfing. Except you pay. Seems really cool -- I would have saved several hundred euro on my Finland holiday (and probably stayed in nicer places) if I'd known about it earlier! (via liedra)
An Open Postcode Geocoding API – Jamie Thompson UK postcodes to latitude and longitude.
"Somewhere a dog barked" phrase is a novelistic cliché: "For all we know, these dogs are off-camera sound machines set to woof." (Language Hat)
Dropping an Einstein thought experiment down an elevator shaft German research centre actually built a giant tower to test out a thought experiment by Einstein. These days experiments involving giant towers seem strangely old-fashioned. The tower actually looks quaint.
HTC Evo doing ninja-like creep on Nexus One's market share distribution by handset from Chitika. Wow, the Nexus One sank like a stone.
ASIHTTPRequest Documentation - All-Seeing Interactive GET/POST HTTP library for OS X/iOS. BSD licensed. Looks good.
Cloud Computing, Cloud Hosting & Online Storage by Rackspace Hosting. Mosso is now the Rackspace Cloud. to migrate from Linode? This is half the price baseline + 22c / gigabyte out.
OS OpenData Supply - Download or order Ordnance Survey OpenData Survey again
go on Vimeo is an amazing video about about climate change.
The Anatomy of Addictive Gameplay | Innesoft Blog hn via liedra
Figurine holds down Cup Noodle lid, tells you when your food is ready - TOKYOMANGO for your instant noodles. Relax.
Moist Banana Bread Recipe - Vegan Banana Bread worked out nicely, especially considering 1) I measured everything by eye; 2) I can't work the oven; 3) I couldn't find a cake tin so had to improvise with a saucepan.