Measuring Complexity of EEG and ECG signals could be used to predict various disorders (depression and schizophrenia; and heart disease). One measure of complexity is "Lempel-Ziv algorithmic complexity". Yes, that Lempel-Ziv: one respectable way to measure the complexity of such a signal is to gzip it.
YouTube - Vampire Squid from Hell (3200 Feet Under Sea Level)'s the vampire squid (from Hell).
Jumpcut: Minimalist Clipboard Buffering for OS X previous clipboard contents for later pasting.
if you lay all the blood vessels in your body end to end by jeak Bit expensive. (reddit)
Everything you always wanted to know about female ejaculation (but were afraid to ask) - life - 28 May 2009 - New Scientist's that most mysterious of all female tissue masses: the prostate! (This is related to the recent censorship debate in Australia)
SPUDWORKS - The Abridged Atlas Shrugged sure is hard to find good men now-a-days. I wonder what the hell is going on. (Bryn)
my immortal - Chapters 1 - 22"Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time." The world's best fanfic, via /lit/
No True Scotsman - RationalWiki fallacy in which an assertion shown to be incorrect is justified by redefining the terms post hoc. No true Scotsman would do such a thing.
Index of /pdfs/hardcore.computist collection of old Apple II newsletters containing descriptions of how to crack the copy protection of specific games so they could be backed up. The cracks all need the original game, so piracy was obviously not the point of this magazine.
Egil's Saga: Index is an epic Icelandic saga from a long time ago.
Instructions of Shuruppak - precursor to various religious moral texts, written around 3000 BC.
RealityStudio » Charles Bukowski, William Burroughs, and the Computer an Apple Macintosh / you can’t run Radio Shack programs / in its disc drive. (via Bryn)
If Albert Einstein's so smart, how come he's dead? - Yahoo! Answers"He was alive and when he was alive he was smart." I love Yahoo! Answers.
[android-porting] Re: What is GL_DIRECT_TEXTURE_2D_QUALCOMM used for? The referenced "EGL_image_base" doesn't exist. I suspect Mathias means CreateImageKHR() and friends.
MyUSABox a P.O. box in the US which re-ships overseas.
Tapioca pearls pearls: how to cook them for bubble tea.
UK Border Agency | UK ancestry looks promising.
SpamAssassin 2010 bug | Mike Cardwell bit me, I misplaced a bunch of email, and this bug is just a bit too stupid for me to be able to justify using SpamAssassin any more.
The weird and wonderful CIC NES lockout chip: "To save chip area, “incrementing” works by shifting the PC by one bit to the right, and setting the the top bit to 1 if and only if the bottom two bits were the same." A sequential path goes 0, 0x40, 0x60, 0x70, 0x78... aargh, my brain!
Flattery Will Get You Far: Scientific American course, you already knew this, because you're smart.
Wolbachia Resources is a bacteria that is very common in insects. Among other things, it can allow females to reproduce without males, can kill all infected males of a species, and can (through "cytoplasmic incompatibility") prevent infected males from successfully fertilising uninfected females -- thus conferring a reproductive advantage to infected females, because only infected females can mate with all males. Offspring of infected females are themselves infected. Clever! (ars technica)
Platform the coins! (via Bryn)
Download Bergensbanen in HD Catie, the trip from Bergen to Oslo. All 6 hours and 23GB of it. It's very pretty and relaxing.
Nationaltheatret to Bergen, Norway - Google Maps,8.591309&sspn=4.178922,6.624756&ie=UTF8&ll=59.778522,9.645996&spn=8.397812,13.249512&z=6Walking directions from Oslo to Bergen. 4 ferries (cheating?) and 1 day, 4 hours.
Vertex Buffer Objects - VBO tutorial
dilettante: The Most Gratuitous Use of the Word "Belgium" in a Serious Screenplay. had to explain to Catie why "Belgium" is the most horrifying word in the known Universe.
Palladio's Italian Villas-Home's Palladio's Italian villas.
Lightning prods shiitake to multiply | The Japan Times Online'Inspired by the saying "lots of lightning gives a good harvest of mushrooms," the high-voltage experts in the city of Morioka developed a device...' I love this saying. Lots of lightning gives a good harvest of mushrooms. As they say in Japan.
Atheist Ireland Publishes 25 Blasphemous Quotes |, 1995: “I do not believe in religion, but if I had to choose one it would be Buddhism. It seems more livable, closer to men… I’ve been reading about reincarnation, and the Buddhists say we come back as animals and they refer to them as lesser beings. Well, animals aren’t lesser beings, they’re just like us. So I say fuck the Buddhists.”
'The Inferno' for iPhone shows how to adapt Dante's Inferno"They made the timeless classic into Frogger. How enlightened."
The Photographic Periodic Table of the Elements discussion of each element with reference to samples (click the elements)
Gigabyte Ga-eg45m-ud2h Update working 10.6.2 - InsanelyMac Forum OS X on this motherboard, for theoreticians who are interested in the abstract implications of this sort of thing.
Towards a grand unification of cutlery'm actually a fan of chopstick string theory.
Giles Bowkett: OS X: Disable Front Row Keyboard Shortcut' command-tilde WHOOPS command-esc "oh... hey front row..." *awkward pause* "ok, talk to you later." '
Dobbs Code Talk - Explicit Structural Typing (Duck Typing) on duck typing, structural typing, typing in general
Clive Hamilton clarifies position on web filtering | Hamilton is after "transparency in the process" -- of a censorship system. Good luck with that?
Structural type system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"type safe duck typing" (via reddit flamewar about why go language sucks)
Expect controversy when sex robots arrive |"If you just take a few minutes to think about it, robots are just not machines. Inadvertently, there is some internal mechanism that makes some robots more powerful than others that are built exactly the same." (fark)
Americans consume 3.6 zettabytes of data, most of it pixels's 34 gigabytes per American, per day, in 2008 -- but nobody knows what to make of that figure.
Glöggögg is the Scandinavian version of Glühwein. Looks delicious!
Apple iPhone TechTalk 2009 Tricks. ES tricks. Somewhat reassuring to see that I was already familiar with them.
Vincent van Gogh: Visitor Submissions"so forever sorry / after losing you one starry starry / night / when you gave up the fight / when you turned out your light / when two wrongs / became right". Terrible poetry day continues
The Poetry of Rosemary Winters Tracey"Once upon a time I had teeth / They were old and cracked / But, they were mine / And had been for over 40 years". It's terrible poetry day on delicious!
Hot sex in Copenhagen | HIV / AIDS, science, sex, drugs'"The UN institutions are professional beggars, and beggars go where the money is,” he said. “So you get “culture and AIDS”, “kids and AIDS”, “fish and AIDS”. I’m just waiting for “climate change and AIDS". It wasn’t until months later that I saw the first headlines linking HIV to climate change.'
Cortex-A8 module ships with baseboard, Linux BSP - News - Linux for Devices system on a SODIMM. Cool! (Engadget)
MyLifeIsAverage - Life is pretty normal today FML-derived site (mmastertheone)
Nicole Dube : Knitting Mania | images | "Finally an iPhone game for your grandmother." For grandma Catie
Visual C++ Team Blog : /GL and PGO compiler saves about 16% benchmark execution time by using profile-guided optimisation. Is that good? I guess it's good. (reddit)
Male Scientist Writes of Life as Female Scientist -"Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but then his work is much better than his sister's." Zing! (reddit)