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Raft (computer science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Raft is a consensus algorithm designed as an alternative to Paxos. It was meant to be more understandable than Paxos by means of separation of logic, but it is also formally proven safe and offers some new features.

nonbeard 2016-08-13 22:03:06

Windowing Systems by Example: Introduction


"The Academic Programmer: This person builds things to find out how things are built. If you are in this category, you shun libraries in lieu of reimplementing them yourself because you like learning by doing. You’re a lover of languages that do nothing for you, but also do their best to stay out from between you and the machine." (It gets worse after this.)

nonbeard 2016-08-11 09:16:38

Paint Drip People


the paint drip model of skills

nonbeard 2016-08-04 21:41:54

Fun brain fact: 13 spikes per second is too much energy | neuroecology

nonbeard 2016-07-31 22:29:44

Altruism is favored by chance: Mathematicians may have found an answer to the longstanding puzzle as to why we have evolved to cooperate -- ScienceDaily


"the total size of population that can be supported depends on the proportion of cooperators: more cooperation means more food for all and a larger population. If, due to chance, there is a random increase in the number of cheats then there is not enough food to go around and total population size will decrease. Conversely, a random decrease in the number of cheats will allow the population to grow to a larger size, disproportionally benefitting the cooperators." (schneier)

nonbeard 2016-07-29 21:18:32

Sex-Typing Markers


sex typing with amelogenin

nonbeard 2016-07-25 21:05:13

Book of Proof – An introduction to the methods of proving mathematical theorems

nonbeard 2016-07-16 18:30:08

USB Host Shield for Arduino Pro Mini « Circuits@Home

nonbeard 2016-07-15 12:40:14

Study proposes explanation for how cephalopods see color, despite black and white vision


Maybe chromatic abberation detected by altering focal distance of eye (via schneieronsecurity)

nonbeard 2016-07-09 08:49:15


nonbeard 2016-07-06 21:11:55

CloudABI for Mac OS X, part three: thread-local storage


The depressing state of fs register setting from userspace on Mac OS X. I wonder if hypervisor.framework would be a better way of handling this..

nonbeard 2016-07-04 11:14:37

Amour-propre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Amour-propre (French, "self-love") is a concept in the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau that esteem depends upon the opinion of others.

nonbeard 2016-07-03 17:38:05

Mappings for Squaring the Disc - 1509.06344.pdf


Just a lovely paper with different methods for representing points on a circle in a square and vice versa. Pictures, proofs if you want them, several choices of mapping function, analysis of what it means and desirable properties.

nonbeard 2016-06-26 13:33:41

Cortex Amiga Floppy Emulator



nonbeard 2016-06-09 22:02:27

The Flying Frog Blog: Disadvantages of purely functional programming

nonbeard 2016-06-05 16:05:00

Language Log » The mysterious Interchange Level


Yay! My "Use all available doors" nerdview bitching has been legitimised by Language Log!

nonbeard 2016-06-03 21:04:23

Oh, I'm such a happy Chewbacca! - vidme


this is a beautiful thing.

nonbeard 2016-05-25 16:05:29

‘Ode to Joy,’ Followed by Chaos and Despair - The New York Times


Zizek (or his editor) has a knack for a headline.

nonbeard 2016-05-20 21:47:12

Antanaclasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


the stylistic scheme of repeating a single word or phrase, but with a different meaning.

nonbeard 2016-05-19 19:11:54

Schizotypy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In psychology, schizotypy is a theory stating that there is a continuum of personality characteristics and experiences ranging from normal dissociative, imaginative states to more extreme states related to psychosis and in particular, schizophrenia.

nonbeard 2016-05-16 21:12:12

Subjunctive Mood


If love *were* a crime, then we would be criminals.

nonbeard 2016-05-16 16:58:43

The Pigeons Nesting, Mating and Feeding Habits


The nesting habits of these birds are a bit unique. The male chooses a site in view of the female, selecting one stick and bringing it back, lays it in front of his mate. The female who stays at the nesting site accepts the sticks the male brings to her and places them underneath her.

nonbeard 2016-05-14 17:33:28

Dual-phase evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"Dual phase evolution (DPE) is a process that promotes the emergence of large-scale order in complex systems." There's something odd about this. It gives the example of people socialising and alternating between "local phase" (only interacting with people they know) and "global phase" (interactive with new people). But these phases are usually intermingled. So in what sense are they phases? Really all we are saying is that people interact with other people, and those other people are previously unknown with a certain (I guess low) probability.

nonbeard 2016-05-11 17:32:58

Ansatz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

nonbeard 2016-05-11 14:56:53

Coracle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The coracle is a small, roundish shaped, lightweight boat of the sort traditionally used in Wales but also in parts of Western and South West England, Ireland (particularly the River Boyne), and Scotland (particularly the River Spey).

2016-05-08 11:00:09

Partial and Semipartial Correlation

nonbeard 2016-05-07 13:33:47

How to Quantize Neural Networks with TensorFlow « Pete Warden's blog


They treat it like a compiler pass, unwrapping and wrapping around each operating and then removing redundant stages as a separate phase.

nonbeard 2016-05-04 11:07:44

AdBlock Plus teams up with Flattr to help readers pay publishers


Very interesting. The problem is pervasive tracking!

nonbeard 2016-05-03 17:32:36

Study: Elite scientists can hold back science - Vox


"Does Science Advance One Funeral at a Time"?

nonbeard 2016-04-30 00:54:33

The Right Way to Practice


The lesson I'm getting from this is: be very specific about your success criteria for practise. "Get this section right" isn't good enough. "Get this section note-perfect and to tempo three times in a row" is better.

nonbeard 2016-04-24 13:51:20

Qur’an Memorizers Who Don’t Speak Arabic Learn Grammar from Statistics Alone | Mental Floss


Surprisingly, the memorizers with no classroom Arabic did better than those who had had lessons, suggesting that a “top-down approach” that explains the rules of language “may negatively impact learners’ sensitivity to the bottom-up statistics of a language.”

nonbeard 2016-04-22 20:02:05

Khaju Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Khaju Bridge is a bridge in the province of Isfahan, Iran, which has been described as the finest in the province.

nonbeard 2016-04-17 11:55:57

Aposematism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Aposematism describes a family of antipredator adaptations in which a warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators.

nonbeard 2016-04-17 00:14:05

ElgensRepairs: Homemade 1MB Chip RAM Expansion for Amiga A600


I, for some reason, am doing this.

nonbeard 2016-04-15 22:55:01

How to Build the CMoy Pocket Amplifier


Simple, popular, and extensible headphone amplifier

nonbeard 2016-04-08 02:55:16




nonbeard 2016-04-06 10:57:10

Make your own RJ45 dongle for many PCMCIA network cards


Amiga networking

nonbeard 2016-03-31 00:54:55

The pebble component-based operating system


Pebble is an OS which generates specialised code to improve the speed of cross-domain transfer. I studied it ten years ago and am bookmarking it now before every pebble-related link on the Web points to the Pebble smartwatch.

nonbeard 2016-03-18 02:01:55

A Guide to Men’s Hat Styles | Articles of Style


Really reinforces the point that if you want to wear a hat (or at least a formal hat) then you have to dress appropriately.

nonbeard 2016-03-01 11:07:15

amitools « Lallafa's Blog


Amiga disassembler

nonbeard 2016-02-22 16:21:06

British Shorthair breeds info, Temperament, kitten names, Price


Here, or to alert master hair bulb, cat useful tongue self cleaning habits, but also eat a lot of maomao, so feed it to eat a little spit on a regular basis the bulb creams

nonbeard 2016-02-19 17:45:51

Aminet - dev/src/ScrollingTrick.lha


Amiga scrolling

nonbeard 2016-02-17 03:45:59

5th tutorial, Horizontal scroller - English Amiga Board


Amiga horizontal scrolling with the blitter

nonbeard 2016-02-17 03:35:00

Hard Drive SMART Stats


Primarily interesting because it shows that quite a few / most SMART stats aren't indicative of anything much.

nonbeard 2016-02-17 00:55:44

plipbox « Lallafa's Blog


amiga networking via parallel port

nonbeard 2016-02-15 23:02:44

Amiga ATX Adaptors

nonbeard 2016-02-05 01:22:36

Cheap RGB to VGA converter – Amiga – Retro Commodore


Looks like a good option

nonbeard 2016-02-05 01:12:08

Trippy spinning optical illusion


A take on the spinning ballerina illusion

nonbeard 2016-02-02 19:16:15

Boron Nitride Products: Wurtzite Boron Nitride (WBN)


Wurtzite Boron Nitride is a new superabrasive material that is manufactured by detonation.

nonbeard 2016-01-30 01:21:03

LONDON CHEESECAKE | Recipes | Nigella Lawson


I want this cheesecake so much.

nonbeard 2016-01-23 19:27:01
📜 Boyfriend of Zelda