AsciiDoc Home Page keep using Markdown but ought to switch, probably
Hearthstone dev invents stories that tell themselves | Polygon 2014-07-31 11:09:11
Mutual information - Scholarpedia 2014-07-31 11:00:39
Mutual information - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2014-07-31 11:00:25
Your Brain Is On the Brink of Chaos - Issue 15: Turbulence - Nautilus article on criticality (which doesn't mention Bak)
Self-Organized Criticality: An Explanation of 1/f Noise (et al)'s paper on minimally-stable states in pendula, sand, brains
Toward a Theory of Self-Organized Criticality in the Brain | Simons Foundation Bak's self-organised criticality theory
Lithium (medication) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia used to have lithium in it. Not quite as glamorous as cocaine:"The product, originally named "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda", was launched two weeks before the Wall Street Crash of 1929.[67] It contained the mood stabilizer lithium citrate, and was one of a number of patent medicine products popular in the late-19th and early-20th centuries.[68] Its name was soon changed to 7 Up; all American beverage makers were forced to remove lithium in 1948."
Mole Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"various activities often related to chemistry or moles". Often, but not necessarily?
FAQ: What is “sexism”? | Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog definition of sexism as "prejudice plus power". This isn't the dictionary definition of sexism (which is just about gender-based prejudice), but it describes a separate and important concept which is well illustrated by the historical discrimination against women in Western societies combined with an inherited power structure which allows the discrimination to continue. I wish there was a separate word for it, though, because now sexism has two definitions and they are different but similar enough to cause problems in debate. Via liedra
Superrationality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia has some very non-NPOV snark at the end about superrationality and MAD.
You’re probably using the wrong dictionary « the blog ideas: 1) Find decent out-of-copyright *British* English dictionaries. 2) Do some kind of Google thing to produce a crowdsourced dictionary using whatever words and phrases turn up in common (uncommon? word + synonym? word + antonym?) searches.
How to build and run your first deep learning network - O'Reilly Radar 2014-07-23 13:32:11
First android performance analysis app for game developers 12:33:31
Equation of time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2014-07-16 23:34:29
Excepted items: Confectionery: The bounds of confectionery, sweets, chocolates, chocolate biscuits, cakes and biscuits: The borderline between cakes and biscuits HMRC considers Jaffa Cakes to be cakes.
How to write a minimal WebKit browser in 30 lines of Swift really liked this tutorial for its back-to-basics nature and avoidance of GUI toolkits, which are essentially magic. Explaining it all in terms of code is educational in a way that "drop this component in Interface Builder" would not be.
De Broglie–Bohm theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia wave theory of quantum mechanics
Pilot wave theory, Bohmian metaphysics, and the foundations of quantum mechanics wave theory of quantum mechanics. Why does nobody like it? Wikipedia: because it is non-local; explaining behaviours requires knowing state of entire universe
Functors on hn and a short explanation by wting explained it very nicely. ("A functor is a thing that can be mapped over. [...] Arrays are the simplest example, but it looks like an iterable. However functors retain shape whereas iterables don't.")
Generics and protocols - Google Groups!topic/swift-language/3PtydRXR0ao"It wouldn’t make sense to have Generator<Int> and Generator<String> because then types that implemented one wouldn’t be implementing the same protocol as types that implemented another. So there’s only one Generator protocol, but the next() method in it varies in its return type based on which class is implementing it". Pretty interesting. Via
How Chip-On-Boards are Made - Learn.SFE is amazing!
The Kernel Trick 2014-06-04 01:05:47
Yeti programming language for the JVM
Parsing English with 500 lines of Python « Computational Linguistics 2014-05-26 14:34:45
A good POS tagger in about 200 lines of Python « Computational Linguistics well written
Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » Why I Am Not An Integrated Information Theorist (or, The Unconscious Expander) 13:10:47
Tupper's self-referential formula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_self-referential_formulaTupper's self-referential formula is a self-referential formula defined by Jeff Tupper that, when graphed in two dimensions, can visually reproduce the formula itself.
Watch "Barry from Watford calls Iain Lee about Blue Badg…" on YouTube recommended
Transform any text into a patent application – Sam Lavigne is great.
Travel Clothing for Men and Women: Multi-pocket Vests, Jackets, Shirts, Pants pockets sold
Chang flash from 4M to 16M, Which file of openwrt need to modify (Page 1) — General Discussion — OpenWrt flash
TP-Link MR3420v1 16M flash /64M Memory hardware mod with uboot bin (Page 1) — Hardware Hacking — OpenWrt of flash on the wr703n -- only double the stock amount, but you can fit so much more of a usable system in 8mb.
Gyromitra esculenta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia your mushroom delicacy contains deadly poison. No worries! Simply boil the mushrooms 3 times in separate water to leach the poison out. Don't do it inside though, because you'll breathe in poison vapour! Also, some poison remains in the mushroom. Homo sapiens, you crazy bastards.
A'bunadh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia lovely whisky I tried last night.
Android Binary XML | Just An Application AXML format. Super helpful for decoding AndroidManifest.xml
OSM data: British Isles OSM data for the British Isles
Driving high-power loads with a microprocessor motors, use a 2N2222 transistor which is good for up to ~200ma. Protect the transistor from voltage spikes from the motor with a 1N4000 diode.
practisevoodoo comments on My bank will lend me money for a holiday for a car but not to do a masters degree"What you want is a PCDL (Professional and Career Development Loan) available from Barclays and Co-op."
ICIDS 2011 storytelling. papers behind a paywall
Mission Impossible: Hardening Android for Security and Privacy | The Tor Blog post
DVB-T - ArchWiki with rtl-sdr
A bill of players' rights - Google Groups!topic/ fiction, famous, slightly out of date now
Crimes Against Mimesis fiction
Characters | Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling 2014-03-09 22:01:37