50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice - ChronicleReview.com
http://chronicle.com/free/v55/i32/32b01501.htm"The Elements of Style does not deserve the enormous esteem in which it is held by American college graduates. Its advice ranges from limp platitudes to inconsistent nonsense." Mr. Language Log is fond of bitching about EoS, but this column is especially vitriolic.
The DiggBar controversy summarised in two easy screenshots. - The Fishbowl
http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2009/04/12/the_diggbar_controversy_summar/I really like this post because it does exactly what the title advertises.
Weissbier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WeissbierThe pouring technique is demonstrated by robots. "This robot demonstrates the technique of holding the opening of the bottle close to the rim of the glass, while this robot uses the faster, but incorrect, immersion technique preferred by bartenders."
Scrabble and Other Games Have Overvalued Points - WSJ.com
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123731266862258869.htmlTwo interesting things: a) Scrabble was popularised by a man named Mr. Butts; b) Recently-added small high-scoring words ('qi', 'za', 'zzz') wreck the balance of the game. I approve of both assertions.
Using Gray code for rotary encoders - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
http://www.scienceprog.com/using-gray-code-for-rotary-encoders/Gray codes: good for angular movement detectors, highly-capacitative circuits, and (apparently) genetic algorithms.
My Pet Chicken: Which Chicken Breed Selector tool
http://www.mypetchicken.com/breedQuestions.aspxMy selected breed is "Araucana".
Ironic Sans: Idea: T-Shirts for Hairy-Chested Men
http://www.ironicsans.com/2009/03/idea_tshirts_for_hairychested.htmlTotally sexy.
Review : www.ChocolatePartyHats.com
http://thattoychick.wordpress.com/2009/03/20/review-wwwchocolatepartyhatscom/Best use for a Viking hat ever! Not safe for work.
Bluetooth JNI contaminated with GPL header files? - android-platform | Google Groups
http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/browse_thread/thread/1832ea5b1652580fGood definitive "api is a fact and not copyrightable" discussion which relates to me as I clagged a bunch of headers from Linux.
Mac OS X Pl2303 Driver Project
http://osx-pl2303.sourceforge.net/The USB-to-serial driver I have is a Prolific 2303, product 0x2303, vendor 0x067b
Australian government secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist, 6 Aug 2008 - Wikileaks
http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Australian_government_secret_ACMA_internet_censorship_blacklist,_6_Aug_2008Highlights include: lemonparty, 2girls1cup, various totally innocent porn sites and various aggregators
World's hardest interview question
http://www.cartalk.com/content/read-on/2008/08.23.2.htmlThe answer is: half, unless the monkey doesn't like his hat. (via codinghorror)
http://www.tunespotting.com/search_play.aspTune search engine. First one of these that actually worked! It found Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Brahms.
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold (LIPDUB*) on Vimeo
http://vimeo.com/3369248Great production values!
Exception and interrupt handling in ARM
http://www.iti.uni-stuttgart.de/~radetzki/Seminar06/08_report.pdfThe GPIO-to-interrupt-number magic seems to be unique to ARM?
Dr. Dobb's | Interrupt Management Under Linux | October 13, 2006
http://www.ddj.com/linux-open-source/193301272For Trout (G1) the only documentation is the Linux kernel source. Here's how that works.
CC - Games > The Space Game
http://www.casualcollective.com/games/The_Space_GameI haven't played it yet but Emily Short says it's tower defense in space. Two things I love in the one game title!
Programming Textbooks
http://t3x.org/books/This guy channels the fortune teller in HHGTTG almost perfectly: "I think that modern IT is more in the problem domain than in the solution domain, i.e.: it has stopped contributing anything beneficial to humanity and is mostly used to cause suffering now. You may think otherwise, though. So go ahead, download my works. Maybe one of them turns out to be useful." (via delicious.com main page)
http://cosmo.nyu.edu/hogg/research/2006/09/28/astrometry_google.pdfClever spatial hash function to take any image of the sky and match it to a whole-sky catalogue, to find out which part of the sky it was of.
Pirate Bay Trial: The Hottest Ticket in Stockholm | Threat Level from Wired.com
http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2009/02/pirate-bay-tria.htmlThe Pirate Bay trial sounds like a laugh. Scalped court tickets, the prosecution unexpectedly dropping half the charges on day 2, and free food. 'Your correspondent was served homemade "Creative Commons cookies" by teenage girls in fantasy genre garb. They said they wanted to support the good forces of the world and convert bad ones to their cause.'
Mind Hacks: Leadership can be based on quantity not quality
http://www.mindhacks.com/blog/2009/02/leadership_can_be_ba.htmlFellows, I'd just like to bring to your attention this piece of information on the neuroscience of perceived leadership qualities in others. I personally found it, myself, very interesting and relevant to our customer base. It's a little brief and I would expect that were were to commit to it as one of our core competencies then additional research would be required, but I am sure we have the skillset here to implementise that option should the necessity arise. Mmm, these mini toasts really are delightful, aren't they? I really think that was a good idea of yours, Phil, to bring them to the meeting. Anyone else want one? Great. Speaking of behavioural psychology, though, what do you think about the recent research indicating that ethics professors don't behave as ethically as the average person? I think it's a beat-up, myself. Harrumph. Cheryl, do you have that report on elephants ready for me? Great, why don't you go ahead and present it to the group?
Give Up and Use Tables
http://giveupandusetables.com/"We've scientifically determined the maximum amount of time that you should need to make a layout work in CSS: it's 47 minutes. When your time is up, we'll even give you the table code you need." (via daringfireball)
Norman Lebrecht: The clapped-out legacy of Karajan that impoverished classical music -
http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/norman-lebrecht-the-clappedout-legacy-of-karajan-that-impoverished-classical-music-805141.htmlHerbert von Karajan's version of Beethoven's 7th symphony is the best one I've heard, so it's a pity he's a Nazi.
Weirdness Magnet - Television Tropes & Idioms
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeirdnessMagnet"For some reason, the character is always standing at the intersection of Strange Street and Bizarre Boulevard." This whole site is great.
Hot and Spicy Tofu - Allrecipes
Garlic Ginger Tofu - Allrecipes
Lentils And Spinach - Allrecipes
http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Lentils-And-Spinach/Detail.aspxnonbeard 2009-02-02 11:04:58
Scrambled Tofu - Allrecipes
Jura Books | Keen for Revolution?
http://jura.org.au/Jeremy's bookshop (thanks Suzy!)
Mr McCloud's Cloud Quiz
http://www.bom.gov.au/lam/Students_Teachers/animations/cloudzstart.shtml"[Mr McCloud] carries a lightning walking stick that he uses to herd and scare people with and lives in a cloud environment, with a cloud house and cloud car etc. He has a cloud farm with a herd of fluffy cloud sheep." I love "cloud car etc". All the usual cloud accoutrements.
Understanding Version-Control Systems (DRAFT)
http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/version-control/version-control.htmlWeird, no references to cunnilingus or the female psyche.
The importance of stupidity in scientific research -- Schwartz 121 (11): 1771 -- Journal of Cell Science
http://jcs.biologists.org/cgi/content/full/121/11/1771Well I certainly feel stupid, so I must be on the right track. :) (via Hugh)
Jacket 17 - David Lehman - The Ern Malley Poetry Hoax - Introduction
http://jacketmagazine.com/17/ern-dl.htmlnonbeard 2009-01-08 15:25:07
Ern Malley
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ern_MalleyThe recent boring "hoax" of Quadrant had one thing going for it: it introduced me to the Ern Malley caper.
"The Structure and Performance of Efficient Interpreters" - Google Search
http://www.jilp.org/vol5/v5paper12.pdfSo-called "direct threading" went into Python recently, resulting in up to 15% speedup on pybench. This paper covers a number of optimisations for interpreters, including direct threading. Humorously, currawong's concrete implementation in QEmu accidentally uses direct threading because it was easiest -- if I'd wanted performance I wouldn't then jump directly back to a large switch() statement!
George Bush to award John Howard the US freedom medal | The Australian
#349916 - Pastie
http://pastie.org/349916Teehee, the Zune bug is an infinite loop in ConvertDays
Kloonigames » Blog Archive » Day 1: Crayon Physics Deluxe for the iPhone
Catching disk latency in the act : The Observation Deck
http://blogs.sun.com/bmc/entry/catching_disk_latency_in_theTalk softly to your disks.
Janus: Papers of the Board of Longitude
http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F0180%2FRGO%2014Board of Longitude. So awesome! This was essentially a science project established in 1714 and only truly finished in 1762, with the development of a sufficiently-accurate clock
http://www.socialfiction.org/gilgameshforapes.pdfToo weird not to post. Come for the pictures, stay for the commentary at the end (Enkidu is an ape? WTF)
Target Women // Current
http://current.com/topics/88813968/target_women/new/0.htmPoking fun at the way women are portrayed in advertising (crummy.com)
High Assurance (for Security or Safety) and Free-Libre / Open Source Software (FLOSS)... with Lots on Formal Methods / Software Verification
http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/high-assurance-floss.htmlThe interesting part of this tedious license-focussed rant, for me, is the list of OSS theorem provers and SMT solvers at the end, for constraint checking in Currawong.
The Chronicle. » Blog Archive » people will talk.
http://vanderbiltrepublic.com/chronicle/2008/12/17/people-will-talk/The Indian woman has scars and blemishes, the Caucasian woman has perfect skin. Good job. (via daringfireball)
LiveLeak.com - The Hillbilly Hot-Tub!
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0bf_1229840897Fantastic, though the ecstatic groaning is kind of NSFW
Age 10 to 60 - through Make-up & Photography « Gems Sty
http://gemssty.com/2008/11/22/age-10-to-60-through-make-up-photography/Or as I like to think of it, "About 16 to early 50s". Still very impressive
Twitter / kickbee
http://twitter.com/kickbee"Wow I'm being very active! I kicked Mommy 258 times at 03:44AM on Thu, Dec 11!" I hope this is a test post.
List of common misconceptions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptionsHahaha. "This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it". Presumably either by contributing to the article directly, or just by spreading more misinformation.
Wearable toy piano makes music, looks good doing it - Engadget
http://www.engadget.com/2008/12/11/wearable-toy-piano-makes-music-looks-good-doing-it/This is a piano on a shirt. I really like the design! The guy has skills. I'd play him.
Talking heads | HIV / AIDS, science, sex, drugs
http://www.wisdomofwhores.com/2008/11/25/talking-heads/"We say 'We need more AIDS funding because otherwise the epidemic could get a whole lot bigger and affect women and children' and policy-makers hear 'Blah blah blah AIDS blah blah blah women and children'". Funny, clever talk from (inspiring) epidemiologist Elizabeth Pisani.